This might be just another blog dedicated to knowledge.
Nevertheless, through the existence of this blog, I aim to make a small, personal collection of links and resources handy for those who are struggling to learn Arabic and Islamic Studies - People who are just like me. This blog will also, inshaAllah, contain some of my personal thoughts, notes, insights from classes, alongside with educational quotes, motivations, general informations and just anything else related to knowledge.
..Since my English is still very far from perfection, I might rant in English in most of my future posts - just for the sake of practicing my English writing skill. Other than that, I might as well celebrate Malay as my mother tongue by posting in it.
I'd appreciate correction for any grammatical error and factual mistakes in my posts - even anonymous comments are welcome for this purpose. I also look forward to suggestions, criticism and sharing of additional links to be included in this small collection.
Above all, I hope that this blog will be beneficial for some of us - if not all, and that Allah is pleased with us throughout our journey of seeking knowledge for His sake.
coming next: Links upload
Explanation of the Seven Readings
3 years ago
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